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Board Games Around the Web

Reviews. Podcasts. Resources. Shops.



Friend and Sponsor of LoB, all round good egg, comedy writer and funny guy, Jon Purkis aka Actualol. Check out his channel for insightful reviews and laughs.

YouTube Reviews


Gaming Rules!

Rulebook writer, editor and all round guru par excellence, Paul Grogan, famous for his precise explanations and general insights into the world of making board games.

YouTube Rules / Reviews


No Pun Included

Funny, clever, funny, funny, clever video reviews from Friends of LoB Efka and Elaine.

YouTube Reviews


The Game Pit

Home of the Game Pit Podcast. A funny and informative podcast from Sean and Ronan Rice (the latter of LoBsterCon fame). Also creators of the Pit Stop series of videos tutorials, miraculously concise rules in aorund 10 minutes or less for a wide variety of games.

Podcast Reviews / YouTube Rules


Go Play Listen

Insightful written reviews and blog from Chris Marling, successful game designer and bon viveur Chris Marling (also latterly of LoBsterCon fame).

Written Reviews


Board Game Minimalist

Discussing and forever honing his minimalist collection of board games, Friend LoB the Board Game Minimalist is a truly unique voice.



Meeples' Corner

For full disclosure, our LoBsterCon retail sponsor. Objectively though an excellent site, where Christoph and his team provide a wide range of games at great prices.

Online Retailer


Creaking Shelves

Matt Evans, friend of LoB, has built an enviable body of written reviews. And to top it off with his colleague Robin made some damnable funny "Which is Greater" videos on YouTube.

Written Reviews / YouTube Reviews


Blood on the Clocktower

Blood on the Clocktower is a social deduction game in mode of Werewolf or LoB favourite Avalon; with the added dimension of a Storyteller who guides the experience.

Social Game


Board Game Prices UK

Compare prices across a bunch of online retailers with delivery across the UK.

Price Comparison Site



Play many of your favourite board games online for free.

Online Board Games


Shut Up and Sit Down

The UK's biggest reviewers Matt, Quinns and the gang led the way in funny qwirky and insightful videos about games; and they're still very much at the top of their (game that is).

YouTube Reviews / Podcast / Written Reviews


Punchboard Media

Content Creators Collective


The Dice Tower

YouTube Reviews / Podcast / Written Reviews

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