Posted 7/27/18 12:37 PM
As some of your may be aware each year in August the Mind Sports Olympiad (MSO) runs 10 days of competitions in London. These range from Chess to Agricola to Poker, and much more. I've been going for the past few years and find it really fun! Particular interest for LOBsters may come from the ability to compete for the Eurogames Championship. Or even just in individual euro game events to win a cool shiny medal! (and bragging rights) All the events are up online an you can view (and book) them here: I know several LOB people go every year so I'm looking forward to seeing you regulars and hopefully some new people too. I will be at MSO most of the days so please come say hi if you see me! If you have any queries about the events comment below or contact me via direct message
Posted 8/5/18 2:42 AM
There's also a free gaming room with lots of games to borrow!