Posted 11/10/19 10:07 PM
Few Games to sell! Can answer any questions you may have with these (: - Batman: Gotham City Chronicles + extra diceset + Monolith promo and magazine (extra scenarios) - £110 - SOL (team based island exploring game) - £10 - Magic maze on mars - £20 - Master of the Galaxy (kickstarter) - £20 - Mythic Battles Pantheon Compendium - £30 - Masmorra Kickstarter (Dungeoneer pledge) - £50 - Rise of the Kage + Expansion kickstarter - £45 - Star Trek Accendancy + Borg expansion - £60 - Clash of Rage kickstarter (all in 1 box)(Godleif sleeve) - £90 - Pillars of Eternity: Lords of the eastern Reach Deluxe - £20 - Runebound 2nd Edition + Sands of Al-Kalim + The Seven Scions - £60 - Burning Suns + cardboard expansions - £50 - Age of Conan + expansion - £65 - Runewars miniatures game with all of wave 1 - £70 - Age of Towers kickstarter + 6th player expansion - £50 - Dark Souls card game + Expansion - £35 - Volfyirion - £12 - Dojo Kun - £25 - TOMB + Cryptmaster sets combined into one (game box is worn/split corner but game in good condition) - £50 - Kingsport Festival - £30 - Farlight KS + expansion - £15 - Coin and Crown kickstarter - £20 - Orcs Orcs Orcs + expansion - £25 - London Dread with all promos - £25 - Exoplanets + expansion - £20 - Sands of time - £35 - Be0wulf - £15 - Foretold: Rise of a god - £25 - 7th Continent Pledges - £240 EXPLORER pledge from first kickstarter + Add Ons (played through once)+ BGG promo + Path of repentance + Fear the devourers + Facing the elements + Thick card sleeves for Action cards Veteran pledge (250+ cards, 2 new curses) (IN SHRINK): -“What Goes Up, Must Come Down” Box + “Satchel & Journal” binder + Free "Second Edition" Upgrade pack + Comfort Creatures mini expansion